Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm back!

Welcome back! I know it's been a while since I've posted. I've been a little distracted and haven't really thought about posting anything. These last couple of weeks haven't been that productive, goal-wise. I have been trying to eat better and have lost about 10 pounds in the process. I haven't been exercising as much as I'd like, but I will begin to do that soon.

I finished reading "Water for Elephants". I really liked it! It's a lot different than what I usually read, but I found that the story was excellent. I can't wait for the movie to come out! I also read "True Colors" by Kristen Hannah. I wasn't very impressed with the book, but it was a very fast, easy read. I'm going to start "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards and "Traveling with Pomegranates" by Sue Monk Kidd this week. I'll keep you updated on how I like them.

We haven't done so well with the eating out this month, but next month will definitely be better. We're going to try to only go out twice next month--one for Jason's birthday and once for Valentine's Day. I will try to be proactive and prepare meals over the weekend for the week. I will also try to use my Crock Pot more so that I can just prepare meals in the morning and have them ready when I get home from work. I'm thinking about looking into making casseroles, as well.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of January. It's crazy how the month is almost over! I'll be better from now on about updating. As always, thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A setback and some progress

Well, I started off last week really well with walking Josie. Unfortunately, I fell and sprained my ankle that same night, so I haven't been able to walk her again since. I am going to try to start back tomorrow, providing that it's not raining.

In the last week, I've finished 3 books. They are the "Born In" trilogy by Nora Roberts. Her books are very predictable and very light, easy reads. I believe that I've only got one more of her books on my list for this year. I am trying to branch out of my normal stuff. I've started reading "Water for Elephants" and I really am enjoying it. It's a little different than what I usually read, but I like it nevertheless.

Yesterday I went to watch my cousin at her dance competition. Her team won first and second place in the divisions that they were competing in. I am so proud of her! She's such a good dancer. It was also nice to spend time with her family, who I don't get to see that often.

I've remembered to take pictures every day but one, so I'm really impressed with myself! Hopefully I continue to remember to do this.

Ok, well this is it. I hope you all have a great week!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Progress! (Even though the year has only started)

So, today I took Josie for a 25 minute walk. Yay for us! While walking, we were caught in a rain shower, which is most likely not very conducive to getting well. For those that don't know, I've been sick for the last couple of days with a cough and sore throat, and am just getting my voice back. I'll just keep taking dayquil and hope that I get better.

On another note, I finished book number 1 yesterday! I guess laying around the house all day is good for something after all! I finished "Black Hills" by Nora Roberts. All in all, it's a typical Nora Roberts book--boy and girl meet and fall in love. They separate/get in a fight and make up. They live happily ever after. There is a mystery/some suspense thrown in to make the story different. I would say to skip this one and try another book by her. This one was definitely not one of her better seemed like she was adding story lines to stretch the story out.

That's about it for today. I'll continue to keep you posted on happenings over here. Comments are welcome! Talk to y'all later.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I hope you have had a wonderful day! I spent the day at my in-laws house and had some tasty crawfish pasta (courtesy of Dan). So far, I have started on books 1 and 2 of my 104 to read. As I finish reading them, I'll post which ones I've read. I'll keep you updated on what's going. I hope 2011 is a great year for you!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Years Goals

I've decided to make a list of goals for 2011. I'm not calling them resolutions, because nobody ever sticks with their resolutions. I am making goals that will be challenging for me, but that are completely doable. Here they are:

1. Read 104 books in 52 weeks (I was originally going to put 52, but that's too easy for me)
2. Blog regularly
3. Complete One Day My Soul Just Opened Up (I have started this several times and never continue)
4. Take a vacation with Jason (we have never done this)
5. Take 365 pictures in 365 days, then put them together in a book to remember the year
6. Find a church and go regularly
7. Volunteer
8. Pray more often
9. Eat healthily
10. Exercise regularly
11. Express gratitude daily

12. Have a game night quarterly with friends
13. Keep in touch with friends better

14. Take Josie for more walks
15. Improve my relationship with Jason
16. Spend more time with family and develop relationships
17. Acknowledge birthdays

18. Pay off 2 debts
19. Eat out only 4 times/month
20. Deposit money into savings

21. Be able to take LCSW exam by the end of the year
22. Network with other social workers for the job after the Lake (not planning on leaving just yet)
23. Rejoin NASW

24. Begin and finish nursery set for when we have a child (I am not pregnant right now, this is just for in the future)
25. Clean out the junk room and get all of my stuff from my mom's house
26. Come up with a cleaning schedule and actually stick to it
27. Paint the interior of the house

I will keep everyone updated on how these are coming along. Have a great rest of the year! See you in 2011.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Hi, and welcome to my blog. I'm new at this, so please give me some time to get used to what I'm doing. My intention with this blog is to blog my way through 2011. In an effort to be more transparent in my life, I decided to create this blog so that people close to me know what's going on, even if I don't speak to them regularly. I will be posting my list of things to do in 2011, along with progress on how well I'm doing and what I'm accomplishing. Please feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think. I'm looking forward to a great year and hoping to entertain you in the process!